Still got itAug 30 2017

Stevens Pass

Map thumbnail of location

Arriving in Stevens Pass was a huge push -- farther than I'd like, with a ton of elevation change. I made it though, and picked up my packages and scored a hitch into Leavenworth. I'm also exhausted though, so I'm just going to do the picture thing again.


I don't know how well it shows, but the water is so clearI don't know how well it shows, but the water is so clear
Deception Lakes was another set of picturesque lakesDeception Lakes was another set of picturesque lakes
The clouds made this valley beautifulThe clouds made this valley beautiful
Trap Lake stole my heartTrap Lake stole my heart
Another ski liftAnother ski lift
And finally: dinnerAnd finally: dinner
LeavenworthSep 01 2017