Rig day

Map thumbnail of location

Every trip down the Canyon starts the same way: rig day. The day before launch, you and your gear get to Lees Ferry, and you blow up your boats, load your gear, and get an initial inspection from a park ranger.

Our trip was no exception.

A chaotic scene, that's strangely orderly.A chaotic scene, that's strangely orderly.

We did have one exception this time, though. Normally, you get the initial inspection on rig day, where they sign off that you have all of the requisite gear (first aid kits, extra life jackets, etc) and then come back in the morning to check IDs and give you a nice long two-hour talk about Park rules and regulations.

Our ranger had better things to do the next morning, so she came back in the afternoon and gave us the Talk early! This was fantastic because then we can launch first thing in the morning, instead of at 11am.

Taking the very short float from the ramp to Boatman's CampTaking the very short float from the ramp to Boatman's Camp

After that was all done, we headed up to Marble Canyon Lodge for our last cooked meal for a while. It was nice to eat with the team and get to know people.

Nick and some of the crewNick and some of the crew

After that it was back to camp -- big day tomorrow!

Launch dayFeb 15 2018